Hmmmm, So lately I cannot seem to concentrate on much of anything at times...
I have to have 3 or more things going on at one time...and that's the key word...ONE TIME. So, as you can imagine, there really is no way to really focus on more than one thing at a time so many things have suffered.
I have never been "ADD" -- and I highly doubt that I have suddenly come down with this "what could be construed as fictitious" ailment. However, I do think that my head has been running a mile a minute. I tend to start doing something but don't really want to "commit" to that one thing. Like right now, I sort of want to check my facebook or something, anything but finish what it is that I'm doing...what is that about? It's very unlike me or is it?
I think we get so many messages, notifications, texts, advertisements, interruptions of all sorts that we think we are missing something when we are not "multitasking". But the whole concept of multitasking is a misnomer anyway. We can only do one thing at one time and marketers have packaged these devices that interrupt us as something that we want to pay more and more money for and put a pretty name on it...hence the blackberry. I mean I don't think marketers would really sell many products by calling them "interruption devices"...but that is what they really are. We have to stop what we are doing to check the message and we have been conditioned to like this because it is packaged with a pretty ringtone or our favorite song. So, we forget, it's an interruption.
For me, I think it is a combination of that conditioned need for constant stimulus/interruption and I have learned to enjoy the distraction. So, I am ready to yank the distractions from my peripheral vision and focus on the tasks in front of me. I mean, what email cannot wait? If it is really important, they will send a text right?