I consider myself to be a pretty logical & level-headed person, except when it comes to matters of the heart...all of my sensibilities go out the door... But should they? Is it healthy that love is blind and if we can see through the haze of our emotions, is it really love?
I was reminded tonight by someone that there is this game that men play with women to peak their interest. In other words, it is possible for a man who would have never gotten a second glance to parlay himself into a woman's apartment by the end of the night by "playing his cards right"/aka. ignoring her. The thought behind this is that the woman then becomes intrigued as to why this guy, who seems so unassuming, is not fawning over her like the others are...and then he hooks her. In reality, this guy is probably the worst of them all because he is being deceitful, but the real wonder is why this tactic works? And why women fall for it every time.
As I thought about this "game", I examined my own life and relationships. I realized, it's true, that can work... I too have fallen for this. However, in the long run, it will not necessarily sustain a healthy relationship...but hey, it could lead to one. Unless of course the only reason the woman was attracted to him is because of the challenge and there is no other basis for a relationship.
The funny thing is that some guys have it and some guys don't...some guys can make your pants slide off like butter while others couldn't pry them off you with a wretch (and there is those in between types, which most men are). But, focusing on the guys that we fall for all the time...here are some of the tell-tale things they do...
- Call us beautiful - I don't care how often we hear it, it always feels like the first time...and it always makes us feel special (as long as you mean it - and we can tell).
- That special way you touch us and you guys know what it is. It has pzazz for lack of a better word...it's soft but not too soft, in just the right places...guys that have it, they know it.
- The look - It's a look they give us, maybe it's looking directly in our eyes without looking away or maybe just this air of something that disarms us. We know it when we see it.
I don't think we have much of a choice...because a life without passion, is not a life worth living...
Just keep your wits about yourself...there's a reason all the girls want them :)