So much to look forward to...You can be whatever you want to be...You can do whatever you want...isn't that what most of us are told when we were young? That is the resounding theme..."The American Dream" per se. A house, 2.45 kids and if we are lucky, an Orlando Funpack Vacation! Yay!
But, does anyone ever think that all of these choices might hinder us? I mean, sure, it's great for people who can easily make those decisions as to what they were meant to do or what they were meant to be...but what about that majority of us that weren't born with A. our parents shoving a dream down our throat so far that we adopt it as our own or B. just knowing what they were meant to be?
So, instead, we just sit here, bouncing from thing to thing, trying to figure out our path in life...slowly but surely. And I guess the actual secret is to map it out in a way where we do not feel like we are losing out while we are trying these other things because when you don't know what you want to do, you are constantly looking at what he or she is doing and then trying trying it on for size...does this fit? Does that fit? But, unfortunately, our culture and our workforce is not built in a way as to accommodate those looking to try something new and different...It is this increasing division of labor to try to increase efficiency that stunts our natural desire or DIVERSITY...or maybe, we don't like the of the work we really do...
Now, as I think a little more about this... we are lucky to have these experiences...there is no right or wrong way to do things. I mean, we are expected to want and do things by a certain deadline...and while deadlines can be useful...everyone has their own timeline. Each person falls in a different place on the spectrum of development, personally and professionally...
So, I guess the key, if there is one, is to just dance to your own rhythm (even if you look silly to others who think they have it all figured out but will realize they don't when they have their mid-life crisis), enjoy the ride and be concerned about the future, but don't let it ruin your present.