Men are like babies. They are always looking for the next best toy (AKA woman). Most men have the attention span the size of pea. A man will blurt out comments that are offensive and you will have to be the one to tell him to "be quiet". Like we want to hear that the girl on the street is fuckable--hello! You will inevitably need to tell your man at some point or another to take a shower because he stinks, pick out his clothes for him, and ask him more than once to pick his shit up off the floor--ok...now this is 5 year old territory.
Now, when you first meet your Don Juan, things aren't necessarily going be like this, but just wait till he gets you in the sack and gets comfortable...then it's all downhill. As a woman, you'd think, "well, this is a new step in our relationship and it will bring us closer"--if nothing else, we should be treated better than before, because now we're more intimate. Men think, OK, Game Over! I conquered all those boards...Is there a new game coming out soon? I'll keep my eye out. Even if your man is still content in limelight of the game he has already won then he's probably doing the bare minimum to maintain his constant goal of getting laid. Men at this stage usually become complacent at the risk of confrontation, they would rather just say OK, whatever you want. This preconventional thinking of going with whatever your partner wants by Freud's psychosocial stages of development as that of a child who is 1-5 years old. Furthermore, how are you supposed to get to know your partner's likes, dislikes, and how to make them mesh with your own if they are constantly being passive about it. Then, inevitable that passiveness turns to aggression and there is always a blowout
about why this and why that...ummmm, hello you said you were fine with it at the time. Now, 2 days later you will bring it up like I shot your dog Spot and watched him convulse until he died. Women aren't clairvoyant either and we certainly do not want to be your mothers predicting every move for you. Eventually, we will want to do that omeday for a "real child"--u had your shot...lol. That is if we can find a real man to have one with. But what is a "real" man and do they truly exist?
There are definitely men who will take responsibility for their children when needed, ect. but what about the not so conventional things that relationships need? I think that's the true measure of a man--one who does a lot more than the bare minimum and for no-one else's approval but his own. The man who takes the time to really know his woman and connect on greater levels. Are some guys just truly not into that?
I think for some guys, they are just not ready yet at my age, which is 23. But what concerns me is that some guys will never be ready--it looks like at least more than 1/2 won't be...and I'm just going by divorce statistics. Now, couple those statistics with those people who are religious and don't believe in divorces--let's say that accounts for 15 f married couples who may or may not be happy. That tips the scale just enough to be concerned that now more than 1/2 of married couples either end in divorce or stay together for religious reasons, but are not necessarily happy. That's food for thought. Is God playing a cruel trick on us by putting what we want so close to us and then saying, ummm sorry...there are some gender differences that will not let you have the bond you've always dreamed of.
A lot of pro's blame gender differences as the reason for this enormous conflict of interests between men and women--should we all stay within the same sex, then would we have happier lives? Lol...probably not...mostly because then we'd become extinct as a population plus the church frowns upon it and there are too many churchgoers in America (case in point--Bush got re-elected). Darwin must be laughing so hard--we are definitely not always attracted to what is good for us. Then again if we would go out
with that guy who would treat us like a queen eventually I'm sure he'd change too, because then he'd get more self-esteem, ect. and develop player/normal man ways...lol.
I know I'm being cynical, but can you blame me?
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