So, these metrosexual guys were supposed to be the "new and improved" version of men. It was almost as good as chivalry coming back in style. Or so we thought...
Now, I am really questioning whether these new cleanly shaven and hair putty (or whatever the new product this week is) maven man is really so great. Sure, it's nice to see guys taking stock in their appearance past the newest basketball jersey that they think is just so smitten. But, since the "metro revolution" started, things have gotten out of hand.
It was a very slow transition, but steadily picked up speed. Men started reading magazines like GQ and noticing that their women were more interested in the CK billboard than looking at them. Add to that, the way women flock to gay men, which are notoriously good dressers and disturbingly hotter than most hetero-men. Men started to take stock of their wardrobes and succumbing to the pressure of looking good; not just good by their standards but by everyone else's: Hollywood, the magazines, and even the girl next door.
This is not an uncommon phenomenon, as with most trends. However, like most trends that stick around for too long...this one has become very unsightly on some of those who sport extreme versions of it.
I am sure you are wondering what could be so extreme about a cleanly-shaven, well-dressed man in a pair of jeans so tight I would like them on me if I gained 10 lbs.
If it stopped there, then it would be just fine but it doesn't. Some men have begun internalizing their new image as their persona. These men are becoming more shallow than a kiddie-pool at bad motel. It is as though they think a great set of veneers, some highlights and hair putty will be the secret to making women forget how they should be treated...and the sad part is that some women truly do. Some people don't see past the great appearance to the man isn't treating you right and that you are allowing it. It is the same way men are mezmorized by the 5'10'' blond model that happens to come up to him and buy him a drink. He is thinking, "how did I get so lucky?"
It is as if these men found a way to lie to your face and then smile and you forget about it or just don't care. When did men get the power? Not that I think anyone should truly have it, but this is further from chivalry than we have ever been. This is another way that a man can manipulate a woman and get away with it. Not that anyone should manipulate anyone.
Are men turning into women? Isn't it enough that we having the babies and working. Do you want to take our clothing budget away from us too? I mean what's next? Should I get you a little lacy thing for Valentines day. Am I going to have to search the den to find all of my good-smelling candles because you enjoy the ambiance?
I like the masculine side of men: Rugged, individual, and powerful. I don't want the adjectives I use to describe you most to be: rigid, stubborn, and bitchy. Not that those are feminine qualities...well, at least not good ones. But, if those are becoming male ones than I would like to get all the emotional benefits of the other side of that coin: nurturing, sweet and sensitive. Unfortunately, that is not the case.
Cosmopolitan men can be great, but those who take it too far are not metrosexual. They are confused maniacs who are using their male prowess for evil. And unfortunately for some, they are getting away with it.